Film starts in:
(1971) dir. Philip Trevelyan
Running time: 1h 2m
SYNW is a weekly film club where we get together and watch a film together in isolation. We try and find films we never knew existed or that we love enough to watch again. All you have to do is source a copy of the film, cue it up to play then, next Wednesday - 8:30 on the dot - pless PLAY.
There are Coming Distractions to watch before the film from 8:10pm and we'll be about in the chat from 8pm.
(Once you start a film on most rental services, you have 48 hours to watch it so wait til Wednesday to start)
We've had to restrict open access to our WhatsApp group in order to secure it.
If you want to join our WhatsApp group, please get in touch via Twitter or Instagram or email